
Ombre puff quilt

Texte en français en bas de la page Let's continue the series of quilts I have gifted over the summer !  The second quilt was another graduation quilt for my daughter.  When she graduated from High school I designed with her one of my first quilts ' les cerf volants de Maastricht ', a modern HST quilt. As explained in the last post , she is very sorry but does not find it cozy. As she obtained her Bachelor degree in July, it was time to try and correct this. I have been looking for the cozi est and cuddliest quilt imaginable for this. And that is how I came up with  ombre puff , a free quilt pattern and tutorial by Lo and behold stitchery. Each square is filled with filling. and I also added the same tick plush backing as in my KIRA quilt. No batting this time, I felt it would be tick enough. My daughter still loves orange and blues and I bought batiks in these colors. I added pinks and purple. I have to admit that choosing the place of each of these squares was difficult...

The first of a serie

Texte en français en bas de la page Over the summer, I was finally able to  travel around and reconnect with friends and relatives not seen in a long time. That also means that I have been able to give a series of quilts to their intended recipients. Some of them finished quite some times ago. Most of these quilts I have not blogged about. One of them never had any pictures posted on Instagram either.  Now, it is time to correct this and blog about each of these finishes. I decided that I would blog about them in the order I gave them, not in the order they were finished The first quilt I gave was a high school graduation quilt for my niece. When I asked for advice, her mother told me she liked 'all kind of greens'.  I choose a the KIRA pattern from GE design. It does not contain a twin size version, but I found an idea I liked on the #kira hashtag of Instagram to change the border and make it the size I wanted. I selected green and yellow batiks and I really like the re...

a "Dreami" baby quilt

Texte en français en bas de la page It is a very long time I did not post anything here... My excuse? I have finished a number of quilts, but due to a certain pandemic you might have heard about, I have not been able to deliver any of them to their intended recipient. It would feel strange to post about them before they have been gifted, isn't it? Well this excuse does not hold for my latest finish, a baby quilt that I have sent by post and has been received already. First, why is it a Dreami ("Drop everything and make it")? In January, I ordered a quilt kit that I am to receive in June. At that moment, I told myself I would not start any project before the kit arrived (Ha! who can believe that? Well, I managed to convince myself...) I February, I signed up for a 50 days of WIP challenge on instagram,with the firm intention to continue well past the end date, until June). At the time, I had 4 quilts I was actively working on, and things looked well. And then, mid March, I...

My meadowland

Texte en français en bas de la page Last year I have been very interested by all the meadowland quilts I started to see poping up everywhere. This pattern is really striking and versatile. So when Meghan at then came June announced a second meadowlang QAL I jumped on it. It was my first 'real' QAL (I followed the Harry Potter QAL last year, but it was from far away as I was mixing two quilts).  At first I was a bit afraid by the calendar - 6 weeks to finish the flimsy! I am not that fast usually.  But these big blocks assemble so fast it was really easy to follow the schedule. I was even a bit in advance until the last week. In fact I could not get a good picture of the flimsy because the weather was terrible. The weather was not great for my picture session, but at least it was dry! Maghan has a price for several kind of picture, including a pet with the quilt. I have no pet, but maybe that horse will do? I tried various places, but the ...

a cube TNT cushion

Texte en français en bas de la page My youngest son is at that age when he fears that what he likes will appear childish. He is a big fan of Mincraft and has been asking if I could make him a minecraft quilt. I was happy to show him the blocks Kelly Fanning offers for free on her blog. but then he hesitated. Said he wanted the dragon, but not the one shown by Kelli... I told him he could draw one on graph paper. The story stopped there. He came back a second time, and we browsed again through the blocks. That is when he asked for a TNT cushion. "OK, I will make one as soon as I have time". He knew that to mean 'in a very long time'... A few days before Christmas, I decided I should have the time to make him the cushion, as a Christmas surprise. I went to Kelly's blog, to download the instruction and... That is where I was hit by her comment that her son wanted a cube TNT cushion, but she had not figured it out yet. As I started making the block for my c...

OMG January - finished

Texte en français en bas de la page My one monthly goal was to add 18 blocks to my crazy log cabin quilt. I really wanted to make 24, but I did not want to set that as a goal. When I had stopped working on it, last November, I had started to worry about the future of this quilt. So I was not sure I would still enjoy working on it. But the joy of improvising came back naturally and I have done all 24 blocks quite easily. Bad night time picture only unfortunately. Have a nice day! Marie Link to  one-monthly-goal-january-finish Mon but pour le mois de janvier était de faire 18 blocs supplémentaires pour mon "crazy log cabin" en Klimt. J'ai toujours voulu en faire 24, pour avoir 60 blocs au total, mais je n'avais pas voulu me fixer ce but, de peur  qu'il ne me soit plus aussi facile de faire ces blocs. Quand j'avais arrêté d'y travailler, en Novembre, j'avais commencé à m'inquiéter, de ne pas avoir assez de tissus, ou d'associ...

long overdue post

Texte en français en bas de la page Warning : this post contains way too many pictures! My 5 Ocean quilt has been finished and gifted since almost a month, but I did not post pictures of it here yet! I already talked about this quilt here . I spend most of last year working on this quilt, which I simply designed by putting together 120 8 inches blocks. The blocks are disappearing half square triangles, following the tutorial from  Julie's quilts and costumes . I used two fabric lines from Janet Clare for Moda, "ahoy me hearties" and "weather permitting". I quilted (again, see here ) with my domestic machine using the clamshell template from westalee. Three reasons for this : it looks like waves, which was good with the ocean theme, it was faster than more custom quilting I had been doing before, but mainly, because this quilt was for my mom. In my mom's opinion, the worst thing you can do in art is "too much". So I had to avoid...