a "Dreami" baby quilt

Texte en français en bas de la page

It is a very long time I did not post anything here...

My excuse? I have finished a number of quilts, but due to a certain pandemic you might have heard about, I have not been able to deliver any of them to their intended recipient.

It would feel strange to post about them before they have been gifted, isn't it?

Well this excuse does not hold for my latest finish, a baby quilt that I have sent by post and has been received already.

First, why is it a Dreami ("Drop everything and make it")?

In January, I ordered a quilt kit that I am to receive in June. At that moment, I told myself I would not start any project before the kit arrived (Ha! who can believe that? Well, I managed to convince myself...)

I February, I signed up for a 50 days of WIP challenge on instagram,with the firm intention to continue well past the end date, until June). At the time, I had 4 quilts I was actively working on, and things looked well.

And then, mid March, I received a card, announcing the birth of one of my cousin's second son. I was not even aware that they were expecting! Blame it on the pandemic again, without any family function in more than a year...

As any quilter can imagine, I immediately started planning a baby quilt.

I had little to go by, so I let myself be inspired by the card itself. 

Native american-themed, 60° triangles, white pale blue green and grey....

I did not need anything more. A little sketch on graph paper, a bit of calculation...

I discovered recently that, when looking for specific themed fabric, Spoonflower is a goldmine. In addition, the 'fill a yeard' function allows to mix a lot of different fabrics in one yard and therefore obtain more variety.

I am very satisfied with the results!

A small babyquilt could not make a big dent in my resolution not to start anything before June... except that once i started it, I continued startinb projects. I started two other quilts And I signed up for another Quilt Along... well, maybe after I finish that quilt kit? 

Have a nice day

Link with dreami #51
from bolt to beauty

Grey Minky for the back

Love the stripes for binding!

With the inspiration card

Cela fait très longtemps que je n'ai rien posté...

Mon excuse? J'ai fini plusieurs patchwork, mais suite à une certaine pandémie, dont vous aurez peut être entendu parler, je n'ai pas pu les donner aux personnes à qui je les destinais. Cela semblerait bizarre de les montrer ici avant de les donner, je trouve.  

Cette excuse ne s'applique pas à mon dernier projet, que j'ai envoyé par la poste et qui a été reçu.

Mi-Mars, j'ai reçu un faire part de naissance pour le deuxième fils d'un de mes cousins. Je ne savais même pas qu'il attendait un enfant! Encore un effet de la pandémie qui à annulé toutes les fêtes de familles depuis plus d'un an!

Comme n'importe quelle quilteuse, j'ai immédiatement commencé à planifier un patchwork.

Je n'avais pas vraiment de point de départ, alors je me suis inspirée du faire part lui même :  Thème Indien, triangles de 60%, blanc, bleu pale, gris... il ne m'en fallait pas plus pour griffonner un dessin et faire quelques calculs.

J'ai découvert récemment Spoonflower, qui est l'outil parfait quand on cherche des tissus sur un thème spécifique. En plus, ils ont la fonction 'fill a yard' qui permet de combiner un grand nombre de tissus différents dans un seul yard, plus économique que d'acheter le même nombre de 'fat quarter'

Je suis très satisfaite du résultat!

Bonne journée



  1. Oh Marie this is just BEAUTIFUL!! I love how the card inspired the design! And I laughed out loud as this DrEAMi has inspired more starts! Two quilts, another QAL...LOL They do bring us such sheer joy don't they? Thank you for linking up with DrEAMi! I will go find you on Instagram now!

  2. I love this quilt! Using the birth announcement as the inspiration for the design is pure genius. The squiggly quilting really gives it a great texture. I like the patterns that Spoonflower offers, but I have been disappointed with the texture of the fabric. Perhaps, I've made the wrong choice of cotton fabric when ordering.

  3. Such a sweet baby quilt! Inspired by their announcement card, it must have been received with such happiness. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. Superbe quilt pour bébé, les couleurs sont toutes douces. Bravo pour ce beau cadeau !


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