One monthly goal - December

Texte en français en bas de la page My goal for the month of December was to finish two pillows by Christmas. I blogged about the first one here . The second one was finished on time as well, but I did not blog about it yet. The aim was double : 1. make two pillows in the same colours as Maastricht Flying Kites as a Christmas present for my daughter and; 2. try new techniques at small scale For the first pillows, I did flying geese, which I wanted to try since quite some time. When I quilted it, I was a bit shy with all this negative space. There are tons of ideas on the Internet, I quilted shadow geese, an idea I got from a YouTube video from Man sewing I filled the rest of the negative space with free motion swirls and petals. For the second pillow, I tried Y seams. I was afraid I would never be able to have the center of the stars flat. The result is not that bad, but It took quite some time to finish 3 stars...I don't thin...