
Showing posts from December, 2018

One monthly goal - December

Texte en français en bas de la page My goal for the month of December was to finish two pillows by Christmas. I blogged about the first one  here .  The second one was finished on time as well, but I did not blog about it yet. The aim was double :  1. make two pillows in the same colours as  Maastricht Flying Kites as a Christmas present for my daughter and; 2.  try new techniques at small scale For the first pillows, I did flying geese, which I wanted to try since quite some time. When I quilted it, I was a bit shy with all this negative space.  There are tons of ideas on the Internet, I quilted shadow geese, an idea I got from a YouTube video from Man sewing I filled the rest of the negative space with free motion swirls and petals.  For the second pillow, I tried Y seams. I was afraid I would never be able to have the center of the stars flat. The result is not that bad, but It took quite some time to finish 3 stars...I don't thin...

Geese pillow - a small finish

Texte en français en bas de la page It took me two months to quilt Maastricht flying kites. At the end, I was in a frenzy. I just wanted it to be over to start something new . But when it was finally finished... I could not go back to my sewing machine. Either it had taken all my sewing energy or the project I had coming up next was not that exiting. Yet the same colours! I had largely miscalculated the fabric needs and I still had a lot of orange, blue and yellow solids remaining , so I decided that my next project would be pillows to go with the quilt.  Pillow is my go to project to try something new at a smaller scale. Finally, I decided to start with my first attempt as flying geese.   It was a strange thing for me to start piecing again, as if I had forgotten everything. Change the foot, needle, thread tension... where did I put my starter/ender project? Why did I put away my thread cutter with the quilting gear? But I soon as I started, it was finished, and I "...

goal for december

Texte en français en bas de la page   I was too late for the November goal! My quilt was finished with 10 days to spare, but my post was one day too late and I could not link it anymore. I am almost doing the same thing for December... So let me quickly expose my goal before it is too late : My goal is to use the remaining fabric from " Maastricht flying kites " to make two pillows as Christmas gift to go with it. My intention is to try other piecing techniques (until now, I pieced only HST and snowball blocks!) in small samples AND have a surprise gift for my daughter who has to wait over 2 months for her quilt to be finished. "Maastricht flying kites" Marie J'étais trop tard pour le goal de Novembre! Mon patchwork était fini avec 10 jours d'avance mais j'ai écrit mon article trop tard pour le lier. J'ai failli refaire la même chose avec le goal de Novembre... Sans plus attendre, voici mon goal de Novembre : Il s'a...

OMG November

Texte en français en bas de la page My goal for November was to finish " les cef volants de Maastricht" (" Maastricht flying kites ") named after a reflexion from my fater that it looked like kites and the fact my daughter is studying at Maastricht university. I finished it two weeks ago and blogged about it here . I already put so much pictures in that previous post, that I will not add more than one here. This one is after I washed the quilt.   The ruler quilting I have made adds to the overall haphazard effect of the pattern. I really like the result, but the process seems to have drained me. As long as I was quilting this quilt, I was making plans for what I would do next. I saw dozen of quilts that I wanted to try. But since it is finished... I sewed very little. It is as if that quilt took away my quilting energy. Well I started something new yesterday so all hope is not lost yet! Linking with one monthly goal @ Elm Street Quilts Marie...