Octopus, finally finished!

Texte en français en bas de la page

I thought I would never see the end of this quilt. Not because I hated doing it, but because I like it too much. I delayed every step of the process, being scared of ruining it.

I read somewhere that, traditionally a quilter has to introduce a mistake in every quilt because only god is perfect... Well, I don't need to make an intentional mistake, my quilt is full of errors, misaligned seams etc. I am still very proud of it.
My largest quilt so far and designed myself. I hope my nephew will like it read the full story here.

 I quilted the octopus' tentacles, free motion with pebbles. For the background (the sea) I made wavy lines, using my walking foot. I quilted the piano key borders with straight lines.

For the back, I was ready to settle on anything remotely nautical, but the perfect fabric found me.
I even got a reduction because I finished the bolt!

I used this method to machine bind the quilt.

I have probably taken 1000 pictures during the process, but today the weather is overcast and I am lacking natural light. Here are some picture anyway.

The label


PS link to Clever Chameleon
my quilt infatuation
whoop-whoop Friday
finished or not Friday
silly mama quilts
off the wall friday
Main crush monday
design wall monday

Je pensais ne jamais voir la fin de celui-ci, non pas que je n'aie pas aimé y travailler, mais que je l'aime tellement que j'ai hésité à chaque étape du processus, de peur de tout gâcher.

J'ai lu quelque part que les quilteuses d'autre fois introduisaient toujours une erreur dans leur patchwork parceque seul Dieu est parfait... Je n'ai pas besoin de faire d'erreur intentionnelle! Il est plein d'imperfection comme il est. Je suis quand même très fière de ce patchwork, mon plus grand format et que j'ai entièrement conçu moi même. J'espère qu'il plaira à mon neveu! L'histoire complète se trouve ici.

J'ai quilté les tentacules en main libres, de petit cailloux. Pour le fond (la mer), j'ai fait des lignes ondulées avec mon pied à double entrainement. La bordure en touches de piano est quilté de lignes droites.

Pour l'arrière, j'ai trouvé ce tissus fantastique. J'étais prête à prendre n'importe quel tissus au thème vaguement nautique, mais celui-ci c'est imposé dès que je l'ai vu. J'ai même obtenu une réduction parce qu'il s'agissait de la fin du rouleau.

J'ai suivi ce tutoriel pour faire la bordure à la machine.

J'ai probablement pris 1000 photos pendant la création, mais aujourd'hui le temps est couvert et je manque de lumière naturelle. En voici quand même quelques unes

l'indispensable étiquette




  1. I love this, you did a good job. Denise@fortheloveofgeese

  2. Oh, this is just wonderful! I can completely commiserate with a project taking a long time because you like it too much. :)

  3. I showed your Octopus to my husband, and he loves it, too! It looks fun to make and fun to snuggle under all those arms!

  4. It's beautiful! You did a great job

  5. What a fun quilt. Blue and green are perfect colors for an octopus!

  6. love, love your finish!!!
    thanks so much for linking up!


  7. That is one stunning quilt! And to think it's an original design! Congratulations on an amazing finish.

  8. Oh, you know I will have to feature this again, now that it is finished! Your octopus is just the best. Fantastic. I fully identify with the process taking longer the more special the project. Well done and thank you for updating us. :)

  9. Beautiful quilt, both front and back. Love the vibrant blues and greens.

  10. What a cute octopus. Thanks for linking up your finish with Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.

  11. Your quilt is wonderful! It's so happy and really puts a smile on my face. You're right... the backing fabric is perfect and makes it reversible.

  12. Wow! This quilt is amazing. You should be doubly proud, not only that you made this beautiful quilt, but that you also designed it. Superb!

  13. Le design, les couleurs et les motifs de quilting sont tous magnifiques! Je n'aurais pas pensé aux petits accents de jaune.


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