
Showing posts from January, 2020

OMG January - finished

Texte en français en bas de la page My one monthly goal was to add 18 blocks to my crazy log cabin quilt. I really wanted to make 24, but I did not want to set that as a goal. When I had stopped working on it, last November, I had started to worry about the future of this quilt. So I was not sure I would still enjoy working on it. But the joy of improvising came back naturally and I have done all 24 blocks quite easily. Bad night time picture only unfortunately. Have a nice day! Marie Link to  one-monthly-goal-january-finish Mon but pour le mois de janvier était de faire 18 blocs supplémentaires pour mon "crazy log cabin" en Klimt. J'ai toujours voulu en faire 24, pour avoir 60 blocs au total, mais je n'avais pas voulu me fixer ce but, de peur  qu'il ne me soit plus aussi facile de faire ces blocs. Quand j'avais arrêté d'y travailler, en Novembre, j'avais commencé à m'inquiéter, de ne pas avoir assez de tissus, ou d'associ...

long overdue post

Texte en français en bas de la page Warning : this post contains way too many pictures! My 5 Ocean quilt has been finished and gifted since almost a month, but I did not post pictures of it here yet! I already talked about this quilt here . I spend most of last year working on this quilt, which I simply designed by putting together 120 8 inches blocks. The blocks are disappearing half square triangles, following the tutorial from  Julie's quilts and costumes . I used two fabric lines from Janet Clare for Moda, "ahoy me hearties" and "weather permitting". I quilted (again, see here ) with my domestic machine using the clamshell template from westalee. Three reasons for this : it looks like waves, which was good with the ocean theme, it was faster than more custom quilting I had been doing before, but mainly, because this quilt was for my mom. In my mom's opinion, the worst thing you can do in art is "too much". So I had to avoid...

OMG January

Texte en français en bas de la page Last year I did not often choose a monthly goal. Let's see if I can get better this year. My goal for January is to make 18 more Crazy log cabin blocks for y golden squirrel . With this, I will have 9 rows of 6 blocks. I believe it will be finished with 10 rows. Have a nice day Marie linking with Elm's street quilts' one monthly goal L'année dernière, je ne me suis pas souvent choisi de but mensuel. Voyons si je peux faire mieux cette année. Mon but pour le mois de janvier est de faire 18 blocs supplémentaires pour mon "é cureuil ". Cela fera 9 rangées de 6 blocs et je pense que le patchwork fini aura 10 rangées. Bonne journée. Marie