a "Dreami" baby quilt

Texte en français en bas de la page It is a very long time I did not post anything here... My excuse? I have finished a number of quilts, but due to a certain pandemic you might have heard about, I have not been able to deliver any of them to their intended recipient. It would feel strange to post about them before they have been gifted, isn't it? Well this excuse does not hold for my latest finish, a baby quilt that I have sent by post and has been received already. First, why is it a Dreami ("Drop everything and make it")? In January, I ordered a quilt kit that I am to receive in June. At that moment, I told myself I would not start any project before the kit arrived (Ha! who can believe that? Well, I managed to convince myself...) I February, I signed up for a 50 days of WIP challenge on instagram,with the firm intention to continue well past the end date, until June). At the time, I had 4 quilts I was actively working on, and things looked well. And then, mid March, I...