Finished! Les Cerf volants de Maastricht

Texte en français en bas de la page Finally, I finished the quilt for my daughter! It took quite some time to finish the quilting, and in the end, I just wanted it done. I could not wait to start working on something new. This quilt, which I already discussed here , uses the Haphazard pattern offered by Liz from Savor every stitch. In keeping the haphazard of the pattern, I decided to quilt each triangle separately with a variety of designs.. I had bought a ruler sampler set from Westalee. I used some of them for this quilt. But I mainly used the straight ruler, and designs I learned in Angela Waters' Craftsy class "quilting with rulers" When I started, I was afraid that the various designs would be too much for the eyes. Also, I don't think a single triangle is quilted perfectly. But I am very proud of the result. For the back, I ordered a wide backing from kaffe fasset collective. I found it beautiful and very smooth, but quite fragile. On...