
Showing posts from November, 2018

Finished! Les Cerf volants de Maastricht

Texte en français en bas de la page   Finally, I finished the quilt for my daughter! It took quite some time to finish the quilting, and in the end, I just wanted it done. I could not wait to start working on something new. This quilt, which I already discussed  here , uses the Haphazard pattern offered by Liz from Savor every stitch. In keeping the haphazard of the pattern, I decided to quilt each triangle separately with a variety of designs.. I had bought a ruler sampler set from Westalee. I used some of them for this quilt. But I mainly used the straight ruler, and designs I learned in Angela Waters' Craftsy class "quilting with rulers"   When I started, I was afraid that the various designs would be too much for the eyes. Also, I don't think a single triangle is quilted perfectly. But I am very proud of the result. For the back, I ordered a wide backing from kaffe fasset collective. I found it beautiful and very smooth, but quite fragile. On...

OMG November

Texte en français en bas de la page Quite a long time I did not blog! I have been away a for a some of that time, but mostly, I was quilting " Maastricht flying kites ". My goal this month, withh be to finish the quilting, square it and bind it. Marie Linking with Elm Street Quilt's "one monthly goal"   Cela fait assez Longtemps qu e je n'ai pas écrit ici. J'ai été absent pour une partie de ce temps, mais principalement, je quiltais " Les cerf volants de Maastricht ". Mon but pour le mois de novembre est de finir ce quilt. Il est temps que je passe à autre chose!   Marie