Another WIP

Texte en français en bas de la page I started blogging about (some of) my WIP a few weeks ago. Here is the most important and the most advanced one. Actually, it is now a full top. It has no name yet, I just call it "my mom's quilt" or "the ocean quilt" It is semi secret sewing, so I will not show you a full picture here. In January, my mom had a big - 0 birthday. On that day I discussed with her patterns and fabric and we agreed on a quilt. As from that moment I said I would not show "in progress" picture so it remains a surprise. For the pattern, she chose a disappearing HST, for which the tutorial can be found at Julie's quilts and costumes . I had just bought three fat quarter from the line "Ahoy me hearties" by Janet Clare for Moda at a quilt shop in her town and she liked it so much that we chose that line. I ordered from that shop a fat quarter from every fabric in the line and added a layer cake from "Weat...