
Showing posts from May, 2019

Waves - a 2019 finish

Texte en français en bas de la page   Quite a long time since my last blog post. I am not sure why. I did not stop quilting, just blogging. Finally, I decided to share with you my latest finish, which is already a few weeks old. "Waves" was not really planned. It started with a tutorial for the snail trail block that I found by chance and wanted to try. The tutorial calls for 6 fabrics, to make 3 blocks. I found 3 yellow and 3 blues and I started. I was so happy with the result that I started searching for additional yellows and blues to reach 12 blocks. No borders, no sashing.  For the back, I wanted to try fleece, to make it heavier. It was easier than I expected.   I quilted clamshell allover, with my Westalee ruler. I have seen a post from Kathleen McMusing , where she was doing the same. Well, My quilt was already finished when I saw hers! I am very happy with the result, which now lives on my couch. A few more pictures... ...